Essex tree slump grinding carrying out a tree stump removal job near Purleigh, Maldon, Essex. My tree stump removal service covers the county of Essex and I also cover Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. On this particular job, I was grinding out five large tree stumps in preparation for an extension to a property. It actually takes quite a lot to dig out a tree stump with a mechanical digger and in general, it is much easier to remove a tree stump with a tree stump grinder. One of the problems with removing a tree stump with a digger is that you’re left with a large tree stump to dispose of, whereas, when a tree stump is ground out with a stump grinder, you’re just left with chippings.
For more information for all your tree stump removals and an instant quote, please visit our website at the link above or telephone me on (07971) 648879.