About Essex Tree Stump Grinding- 20 years experience – Fully Insured

I have been connected with horticulture, landscaping, forestry and agriculture all my working life. I have been grinding out tree stumps since 2004 and I am still doing so to this day! In the past, I have owned two successful landscaping businesses, which have now been sold as I wanted to focus on stump grinding and also a few Internet projects as a sideline, which are ongoing.

I enjoy the outdoor life and my job removing tree stumps enables me to do this. It’s always satisfying to go to a garden and get to the root of someone’s problem!

If you would like to know more about me, you can visit this link which gives a slightly more in-depth view.

Thank you for reading.

Roy Bretton
(07971) 648879
Essex Tree Stump Grinding

Useful web addresses for Essex tree stump grinding:
